Hi Kirill,

I mistook that the CPU issue clears itself.  Sorry.  It may or may not be
related to Garbage-collection settings then.


On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 2:17 PM, Shanti Suresh <sha...@umich.edu> wrote:

> Hi Kirill,
> Like Mark, Bill and Jeff said, those threads are normal request-processing
> threads.  I have included a script that might help with isolating high CPU
> issues with Tomcat.
> Also, I think it might be helpful to see how the Java heap is performing
> as well.
> Please bring up Jconsole and let it run over the week.  Inspect the graphs
> for Memory, CPU and threads.  Since you say that high CPU occurs
> intermittently several times during the week and clears itself, I wonder if
> it is somehow related with the garbage collection options you are using for
> the server.  Or it may be a code-related problem.
> Things to look at may include:
> (1) Are high CPU times related to Java heap reductions happening at the
> same time?  ==> GC possibly needs tuning
> (2) Are high CPU times related to increase in thread usage?  ==> possible
> livelock in looping code?
> (3) how many network connections come into the Tomcat server during
> high-CPU times?    Possible overload-related?
> Here is the script.  I made a couple of small changes, for e.g., changing
> the username.  But didn't test it after the change.  During high-CPU times,
> invoke the script a few times, say 30 seconds apart.  And then compare the
> thread-dumps.  I like to use TDA for thread-dump analysis of Tomcat
> thread-dumps.
> Mark, et al, please feel free to help me refine this script.  I would like
> to have a script to catch STUCK threads too :-)  Let me know if anyone has
> a script already.  Thanks.
> --------------high_cpu_diagnostics.pl:-----
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> #
> use Cwd;
> # Make a dated directory for capturing current diagnostics
> my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,
>           $wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime time;
> $year += 1900;
> $mon += 1;
> my $pwd = cwd();
> my $preview_diag_dir =
> "/tmp/Preview_Diag.$year-$mon-$mday-$hour:$min:$sec";
> print "$preview_diag_dir\n";
> mkdir $preview_diag_dir, 0755;
> chdir($preview_diag_dir) or die "Can't chdir into $preview_diag_dir $!\n";
> # Capture Preview thread dump
> my $process_pattern = "preview";
> my $preview_pid = `/usr/bin/pgrep -f $process_pattern`;
> my $login = getpwuid($<) ;
> if (kill 0, $preview_pid){
>         #Possible to send a signal to the Preview Tomcat - either "webinf"
> or "root"
>         my $count = kill 3, $preview_pid;
> }else {
>         # Not possible to send a signal to the VCM - use "sudo"
>         system ("/usr/bin/sudo /bin/kill -3 $preview_pid");
> }
> # Capture Preview thread dump
> system ("/usr/bin/jmap
> -dump:format=b,file=$preview_diag_dir/preview_heapdump.hprof $preview_pid");
> # Gather the top threads; keep around for reference on what other threads
> are running
> @top_cmd = ("/usr/bin/top",  "-H", "-n1", "-b");
> @sort_cmd = ("/bin/sort", "-r", "-n", "-k", "9,9");
> @sed_cmd = ("/bin/sed", "-n", "'8,$p'");
> system("@top_cmd 1> top_all_threads.log");
> # Get your tomcat user's threads, i.e. threads of user, "webinf"
> system('/usr/bin/tail -n+6 top_all_threads.log | /bin/sort -r -n -k "9,9"
> | /bin/grep webinf top_all_threads.log 1> top_user_webinf_threads.log');
> # Get the thread dump
> my @output=`/usr/bin/jstack -l ${preview_pid}`;
> open (my $file, '>', 'preview_threaddump.txt') or die "Could not open
> file: $!";
> print $file @output;
> close $file;
> open LOG, "top_user_webinf_threads.log" or die $!;
> open (STDOUT, "| tee -ai top_cpu_preview_threads.log");
> print "PID\tCPU\tMem\tJStack Info\n";
> while ($l = <LOG>) {
>     chop $l;
>     $pid = $l;
>     $pid =~ s/webinf.*//g;
>     $pid =~ s/ *//g;
> ##  Hex PID is available in the Sun HotSpot Stack Trace */
>     $hex_pid = sprintf("%#x", $pid);
>     @values = split(/\s+/, $l);
>     $pct = $values[8];
>     $mem = $values[9];
> # Debugger breakpoint:
> $DB::single = 1;
> # Find the Java thread that corresponds to the thread-id from the TOP
> output
>     for my $j (@output) {
>         chop $j;
>         ($j =~ m/nid=$hex_pid/)  &&  print $hex_pid . "\t" . $pct . "\t" .
> $mem . "\t" .  $j . "\n";
>     }
> }
> close (STDOUT);
> close LOG;
> ------------------end of script --------------------------
> Thanks.
>                       -Shanti
> On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 2:11 PM, Bill Miller <
> millebi.subscripti...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I agree; we have reproducible instances where PermGen is not set to our
>> requirements on the Tomcat startup parameters and it will cause a "lockup"
>> every time. Do some JMX monitoring and you may discover a memory spike
>> that's killing Tomcat.
>> Bill
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jeff MAURY [mailto:jeffma...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: September-27-2012 2:01 PM
>> To: Tomcat Users List
>> Subject: Re: high CPU usage on tomcat 7
>> This is probably due to out of memory, I have the same problem on my
>> ubuntu
>> ci machine Did you monitor your tomcat with jmx ?
>> Jeff
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