Hi Kirill,

At this point, I'm thinking that perhaps a network traffic capture might
give you some clues.  Just see the kind of traffic coming in to the
server.   You may use wireshark easily to both capture and see traffic.
Setup up a capture filter to capture traffic to and from your server
machine.  Then you can selectively view what you traffic you want to see
using display filters.

A quick capture-filter reference is:

Then, you can select one client machine that talks to the server, and then
do a second traffic capture; this time, only capture traffic from that
client machine to the server.  See what's going one.  Just see how often
the client and server talk and what data is contained  in the packet.  It
is possible that there is some polling going on.

Analyzing network traffic might give you a clue on what conversation is
going on with the Tomcat server that's keeping the sessions active.



On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 4:34 PM, Christopher Schultz <
ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Kirill,
> On 10/9/12 2:36 PM, Kirill Kireyev wrote:
> > I never modified/extended the Tomcat code, so I doubt it.
> This has nothing to do with Tomcat's code: HttpSessionBindingListener
> and HttpSessionListener are servlet-API interfaces that you might
> implement in your own product. If they are written badly, then might
> interfere with Tomcat's session-expiration thread.
> I use Tomcat 5.5, 6.0, and 7.0 and none of them have any problem with
> expiring sessions after the configured expiration interval.
> > Could it be that I'm allocating too much heap memory (-Xmx20000M),
> > so that Tomcat doesn't feel the urgency to clean up?
> This has nothing to do with Tomcat's desire to clean anything up: the
> session-cleanup thread runs at the same interval regardless of the
> heap size.
> - -chris
> Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
> Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
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> TYsAnjh+fMcmNBZshzICboVHP6x6z4EI
> =aKfk
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