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On 10/11/12 10:55 AM, Chinmoy Chakraborty wrote:
> I am using Tomcat 7.0.29 and I have an application which uses JSF
> 1.2. All my .htm requests are mapped to faces Servlet. On login it
> allows to me go x.htm and  renders the page nicely but when I press
> BACK button of the browser internally it calls
> "*window.location.href = "/x.htm*"; and it gives 404 error in
> FireFox only (in IE it works fine). in *Tomcat 6.0.24*it works fine
> both in FF and IE. Following is the exact error:
> HTTP Status 404 - /x.htm ------------------------------
> *type* Status report
> *message* */x.htm*
> *description* *The requested resource (/x.htm) is not available.* 
> ------------------------------ Apache Tomcat/7.0.29

We need more information:

What happens when you hit http://yourserver/x.htm (without logging-in

What exact mechanism do you use to "call window.location.href='/x.htm'"?

What URL shows in the browser bar when you try to hit the back button
and the above javascript executes?

> Could you please let me know where I am going wrong? (basically my
> goal is to do something equivalent to disabling back button).

You know that's impossible, right? If you don't want your users to go
"back", then you'll have to provide a custom client. Look into Mozilla
Prism (now Chromeless). It at least used to allow you to specify which
features to support -- like whether or now BACK was supported.

- -chris
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