Ah ha, well spotted, thanks!  Indeed the ErrorDocument pointed to 404.htm,
and htm hadn't been unmapped.  Now I have done, it works fine!


On 11/10/2012 17:34, "Christopher Schultz" <ch...@christopherschultz.net>

>Hash: SHA1
>On 10/11/12 11:44 AM, Pete Storey wrote:
>> I think I've found a small bug in mod_jk relating to the way it
>> handles 404 errors, though it's possible it's a configuration
>> problem (but I don't think so).  Wondering if anyone can help?
> [snip]
>> JkMount /* 1c JkUnMount /blog/* 1c JkUnMount /*.gif 1c [...]
>> The problem can be seen on the actual website;  if you make a
>> request which should generate a 404 response to a URL handled by
>> Tomcat, all is well, however if you make one that should be handled
>> by Apache, you do get the 404 content (served, it turns out, by
>> Tomcat not Apache), but a 200 response code.
>So, you make a request to, say, /does-not-exist.gif and you get
>Tomcat's 404 error page (content) with a 200 response code?
>Do you have any ErrorDocument directives? If so, I suspect what is
>happening is this:
>HTTP request for /does-not-exist.gif
>- -> HTTP handles request, does not find file,
>   triggers 404 event, sets response code=404
>- -> 404 event handled by ErrorDocument, specifies e.g. /404.html
>- -> /404.html configured to be handled by Tomcat (per JkMount above)
>- -> Tomcat receives request, completes correctly, sets response code=200
>If you do have an ErrorDocument, you might have to UnMount that one, too.
>- -chris
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