
I have some questions on finding the number of active threads in Tomcat.
(1) On our QA system, I notice that the currenthreadsBusy MBean is
either zero or one for the 8443 and 8080 connectors.  Why then is
ThreadCount = 93 when there is not much going on on QA?
(2) When I want to graph the thread activity in Tomcat (the thread
Pool usage), which is a better counter to look at - currentThreadsBusy
or "ThreadCount"?
It seems like "ThreadCount" is what JConsole displays as "Live Threads".
(3) Why is TotalStartedThreadCount: 264?  Is that a cumulative total
since Tomcat was restarted?

--------------Thread-related MBean snippet:---------

Name: Catalina:type=ThreadPool,name="http-apr-8443"
currentThreadsBusy: 1

Name: Catalina:type=ThreadPool,name="http-apr-8080"
currentThreadsBusy: 0

Name: java.lang:type=Threading
DaemonThreadCount: 85
PeakThreadCount: 99
AllThreadIds: Array[long] of length 93

CurrentThreadCpuTime: 4600000000
CurrentThreadUserTime: 4020000000
ThreadCount: 93
TotalStartedThreadCount: 264
ThreadCpuTimeSupported: true
---------------end of snippet------------------------



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