Thanks for the reply

On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 10:59 PM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> g. rgar,
> On 10/15/12 5:16 PM, g. rgar wrote:
> > No I am not leaking connections - definitely. I don't use a single
> > connection to the DB in the scenario posted. I just undeploy and
> > deploy the application via Eclipse.
> That *may* cause connections to be used. Do you load anything from the
> db on startup?

The ds is lazy loaded - you can see my DB connector code in the first
post.The constructor for the pool is called when first the db is needed (as
it is called from a static nested class) - which is on loggin.
I never loggin or indeed display the login page. I have to test more to be

> > I do think it may be related to the thread issue - you know better
> > of course. Tomcat kills the thread and this thread is responsible
> > for cleaning abandoned connections. Does it make sense ? The
> > threads name is : [Abandoned connection cleanup thread]
> Connector/J shouldn't have any cleanup thread running under normal
> circumstances. I do know that there is a MySQL Cancellation Timer
> thread that runs when a query is run with a time limit associated with
> it. It used to be that the library created one thread and left it
> running, which could lead to a ClassLoader leak in a webapp. That has
> been "fixed" though I can't reproduce the fix myself.

[Abandoned connection cleanup thread] sounds like a thread which cleans up
- they are working on it btw and having some problems with tomcat reporting
it as a leak - see linked bug :

> > SEVERE: The web application [/ted2012] appears to have started a
> > thread named [Abandoned connection cleanup thread] but has failed
> > to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak.
> >
> > @Shultz ; what do yu mean by "While it is possible, your connection
> > pool should be complaining about that. "
> I'm not sure I know what you mean: did I say that? When?
In your first post in this thread

> > "Have you enabled removeAbandoned and logAbandoned for your
> > connections" see my first post : remove abandoned is true - I may
> > add log abandoned
> Without logging them, you'll never know if you have any connection leaks.
Will do ASAP

Thanks for your time !

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