Thanks André for such a elaborate reply.
Just want to check another thing, is it possible to setup SSL at  tomcat level 
using mod_proxy module.. But i think it does not work in load balancing case. 
Does my understanding is correct??

Thanks for your support,

On Oct 20, 2012, at 7:21 PM, André Warnier <> wrote:

> vivek aggarwal wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> I need to setup the SSL over my tomcat ,which i am able to do it by 
>> generating Self signed certificate using Keytool
>> But when  i am redirecting the request form apache using "mod_jk "module its 
>> not working.
>> I am not sure how to make Apache & Tomcat work in SSL when using Mod_jk 
>> module as i need load balancing
>> Can someone please share the steps for doing ssl setup when apache is used 
>> along with Tomcat
> A simplified graphical view of the recommended setup :
> browser <- HTTPS -> Apache + mod_jk <- AJP -> Tomcat-1 (AJP Connector)
>                                    <- AJP -> Tomcat-2 (AJP Connector)
>                                    ...
>                                    <- AJP -> Tomcat-n (AJP Connector)
> In other words, you should handle the HTTPS/SSL at the front-end Apache httpd 
> level, not at the Tomcat level.  (This is also sometimes called "terminating 
> SSL at the Apache level").
> The reason is that the AJP protocol does not support HTTPS/SSL (so, there is 
> no way to set up the AJP Connector in Tomcat for SSL) (and no way to set up 
> mod_jk to "talk SSL to Tomcat").
> What the Apache/mod_jk combination can do however, is pass on all the 
> required SSL headers of the original requests to Tomcat, over the AJP 
> connection, so that a Tomcat application could make use of them.
> To see how to set up Apache for SSL, check the Apache httpd on-line 
> documentation.
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