Albretch Mueller wrote:
 apache tomcat and other servlet engines would easily do java web
start apps based on JNLP and there are servlet engines running -on-
 but I wanted to actually serve Android-based and other mobile devices
as you would do with PC's running different types of browsers and
operating systems
 Are we there yet?

Due to what I believe is largely temporary fad-like marketing pressure, I am quite interested in the general subject myself, but I do not understand your question.
What is it precisely that you would want Tomcat to do (that it does not yet do 
currently) ?

If some "app" on some device makes a TCP connection to a Tomcat server, and then talks HTTP with it, Tomcat will handle this fine. And if this app then requests a particular context (webapp) in Tomcat, and they understand eachother, everything should work also as expected. So what is the issue ?

Or am I missing something ?

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