Hi Andre

I also am a newbie with this stuff

But something that I saw about my .keystore file and my certificate from a 
Certificate Authority(I got this certificate from 

I run below command with its respective output for my keystore file which I 
have generated with keytool:

keytool -list -keystore .keystore

Tipo de almacén de claves: JKS
Proveedor de almacén de claves: SUN

Su almacén de claves contiene 2 entradas

root, 24/10/2012, trustedCertEntry,
Huella digital de certificado (MD5): 
tomcat, 24/10/2012, trustedCertEntry,
Huella digital de certificado (MD5): 

And for my certificate to see its content:
keytool -printcert -file GabrielHuerta-2012-10-24-161410.cer
Propietario: CN=Gabriel Huerta, OU=home, O=home, L=Queretaro, ST=Santiago, C=MX
Emisor: O=getaCert - www.getacert.com, L=Seattle, ST=Washington, C=US
Número de serie: 11b2
Válido desde: Wed Oct 24 18:14:11 CDT 2012 hasta: Tue Oct 25 18:14:11 CDT 2022
Huellas digitales del certificado:
         MD5:  E2:FF:EB:EF:B5:FA:85:2F:B4:85:FC:1B:1E:0E:94:37
         SHA1: 9B:F6:59:58:82:4A:D0:A9:A5:32:F1:31:D9:9C:D2:E8:D6:A8:2F:05
         Nombre del algoritmo de firma: MD5withRSA
         Versión: 1

For MD5 it is the same certificate's fingerprint (or whatever). So I do not 
know what is validated for JVM to choose this specific encryption/decryption 
method you mention.

----- Original Message -----
From: "André Warnier" <a...@ice-sa.com>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 4:27:19 AM
Subject: Re: Implementing SSL and error invocating https://localhost:8443/ 
(Tomcat 7.0 on Windows 7)

Gabriel Huerta Araujo wrote:
> GRAVE: Failed to initialize end point associated with ProtocolHandler 
> ["http-bio-8443"]
> java.io.IOException: La configuración SSL no es válida debido a No available 
> certificate or key corresponds to the SSL cipher suites which are enabled.
>       at 
> org.apache.tomcat.util.net.jsse.JSSESocketFactory.checkConfig(JSSESocketFactory.java:822)

> Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: No available certificate or key 
> corresponds to the SSL cipher suites which are enabled.
>       at 
> com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLServerSocketImpl.checkEnabledSuites(SSLServerSocketImpl.java:310)
>       at 
> com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLServerSocketImpl.accept(SSLServerSocketImpl.java:255)

I'm not a specialist of SSL, but what the messages above are saying is that 
there is a 
mistmatch between the encryption/decryption methods that are available to the 
HTTPS Connector, and the one you used to create your certificate, with the 
result that the 
Connector cannot read the certificate.
(Example : you encrypted your  certificate using method "A", but the Connector 
by default 
can only decrypt things using methods "B", "C" or "D").
Or something of the kind.
Therefor, the Connector does not start.
Therefor, Tomcat is not listening on that port (8443).
Therefor, when you try to connect to that port with IE, IE tells you that the 
rejects a connection to that port.

Unless I am mistaken, the connector you are using uses the Java-VM-provided SSL 
mechanisms.  I would imagine that the Java JVM provides some encryption schemes 
default, and some others optionally.  There must be a parameter somewhere to 
enable/disable some of these schemes.  It's more of a Java thing, but there may 
be a 
mention of this somewhere in the online Tomcat docs.
Look for terms like "DES", "SHA*", "Blowfish",..

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