Chris Hall wrote:

I'm confused. Can someone tell me the best way to upgrade Apache Tomcat version 
7.0.12 to 7.0.32? This is running on Windows Server 2003.

There are 2 ways to install Tomcat on Windows (and 2 different packages, discounting the 32-bit/64-bit difference) : the installer-way, and the zip-way. Do you remember how you installed it initially ?

My personal take on this :

In both cases, all the software installs under one single directory (which you can choose)(*), and it also writes settings to the Registry. These settings will be overwritten if you run a new installer (probably by the same things, except for your changes since the first install).
It is probably a good idea to save these Registry entries to a .reg file first.
Look under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tomcat*
and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun*\Tomcat*

If you install to the same directory, make a backup first too of course.

(*) I personally have a bias against long directory paths, specially with spaces embedded in them. By default, it will probably propose something long-winded like
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcatx.y,
which I always shorten, but that's your choice.
You can install the new one in a different location from the old one.
Since it is the same version, it will overwrite the Registry settings so that the Windows Service runs the new one. You will then have to copy/move your webapps to the new location too.

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