Mark actually i have a scenario in which my application receives variable 
amount of request depending on time . So at one point i have an approx around 
400 users concurrently accessing my application as a result i have an approx 
400 threads but when the request count decreases the thread count still remains 
400 which eventually eat up my system resources. To cater to this situation i 
would like to know the option by which i can close my unused threads as 
maxSparethreads doesnt exist anymore in tomcat 6.0

Pls advise 


On Nov 5, 2012, at 1:46 PM, Mark Eggers <> wrote:

> On 11/4/2012 10:54 PM, wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Can somebody please help me out in stopping the surplus threads which
>> get created in tomcat 6.0 as we dont have "maxSpareThreads" attribute
>> anymore in it .. How can we close these threads
>> Thanks for ur help, Vicky
> I've never noticed a lot of surplus threads when running Tomcat - even
> when not using the Executor. Look at the actual number of threads
> reported in the the "running thread" portion of Probe, or better yet
> enable JMX and use VisualVM with the JMX plugin.
> On a quiet Tomcat 6.0.35 running on Fedora 17 with jre 1.6.0_37 I see 22
> threads (ps -FL [pid] | wc -l). This is with all of the examples loaded
> . . . but I've not accessed that Tomcat so probably things are a bit quieter 
> than normal.
> The real question running throughout all three of your threads now is
> why are you so concerned about the number of threads.
> The Executor will help balance some load on high traffic sites,
> otherwise the private thread pools with appropriately tuned values
> should work fine.
> A note on "appropriately tuned values" - the defaults are usually quite
> adequate for a large number of use cases. That's why they're the defaults.
> So again, the real question is what perceived issue are you trying to
> solve by being so concerned with the number of Connector - based threads?
> . . . . just my two cents.
> /mde/
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