-----Original Message-----
From: Jose H. Martinez [mailto:josehmartin...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2012 6:23 PM
To: users@tomcat.apache.org
Subject: App Initialization Order In Tomcat

I am running two applications under tomcat. One application is a web
service and the other is a web app that depends on the web service to be
started first before it can be initialized. The problem I am having is that
the web app is starting before the web service an is causing it to hang
waiting for the service to be started. Is there a way to tell tomcat the
order in which the war files should be deployed so that the web service
gets deployed first and then the web app?

Note: In the future we will deploy the applications on different servers
but for now that's not an option.

I'm running tomcat 7.0.29.

Thanks. Your help is very much appreciated.

Make the web service war filename be alphabetically before the second
application war file........Eg alpha.war is the web service and beta.war is
the dependant application.

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