Den 08-11-2012 23:54, Christopher Schultz skrev:
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On 11/8/12 12:06 PM, Ram Laxman wrote:
I want to know what are components of Tomcat 7?
Well, first you've got yourself a "T". That's the most important,
which makes sense, because it's first one listed. Why wouldn't you put
your best foot forward? And "T" is a really top-notch letter. Not like
"I". "I" is a really bad choice when getting started. Sorry, Apple.

After that, you have an "o". The crazy thing about that is that it
doesn't sound like "O". No! It sounds like "ah". Mind = blown. And
we're just at the second component of Tomcat at this point. I'm not
sure you will be able to make it to the end without literally
exploding with excitement.

"m" is next and really starts building the intensity. You get to
really mash your lips together -- maybe get a little tooth-tapping
action goin' on, too. It also gives you the opportunity to pause and
reflect on the great community Tomcat has surrounding it: all the
volunteer programmers and people who post to the list. Those folks are
great, and wasting their time would be ... a shame. "m" also gets used
a lot in Muse's recent "Madness" single which ... kind of disappointed
me. Alas, Origin of Symmetry is probably impossible to top so I'm glad
they aren't even trying.

We've arrived at "c". Lots of people hate the "c word" for some
reason. I don't like cats themselves in general (there was one cat I
really did like, but that one acted like a dog, so it wasn't really a
cat except for the sneezing), but the word "cat" isn't a big deal for
me. I don't understand what all the fuss is about.

Now for the "a". Like the "o", this one doesn't really sound like "A"
(like "ay" or "eh"). Alas! Instead, it sounds like .. hmm. Like the
"a" in "grab". I think of "grab" because that's a very verby-sounding
word. And Tomcat verbs things... verbs them very well. This is a great
addition to Tomcat's architecture because it brings an element of
mystique... it's tough to explain how to pronounce it, for instance.

Now for the coup de grĂ¢ce, and it's going to shatter your skull:
another "t". This one is small... diminutive, even. Much less fuss
than that /other/ "T" at the beginning, the one with all the
excitement. This one is much more understated. Demure. Silent to some,
who tend to skip the final consonant in such cases -- where it sounds
more like Tomca'h than Tomcat.

Then there's this weird "7". I think that's the version number.
Oh I laughed very hard :)

As mentioned in wiki ,  tomcat 4 has Catalina,Coyote and Jasper
The later versions of Tomcat have fewer exclamation points. That must
be why everyone prefers Tomcat 4. Little known fact: Tomcat's
performance is inversely proportional to the number of exclamation
marks used in sentences. So, every time you type one, Tomcat get
slower. And God kills a lolcat.

But  as I searched through the tomcat change notes I have observed
several others such as Cluster, Web Application but not getting fix
no in this release !!
That will likely be fixed in Tomcat 8. Stay tuned.
If it hasn't been fixed from 4 -> 7, why would you expect it to be fixed in 8?

- -chris
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