It seems that the war file that I was installing contains its own version of the servlet API, which evidently conflicts with the one Tomcat 7 is using. I'm not sure of the details yet, but it you're curious you can find the war file within this zip:


On 11/19/12 12:32 PM, André Warnier wrote:
Hi. Thanks for the update.

Ralph Grove wrote:
The problem turned out to be one of the war files that I'm loading into Tomcat. JSP's work fine until that particular war file is deployed, but afterwards JSP's will no longer compile correctly.

So what does that mean ? compiling the JSP's in that .war somehow corrupts the compiler ?
Sounds interesting.

Only those JSP's that
were previously compiled continue to work correctly. Without that war file loaded, Tomcat is working normally with JRE 1.7, so the JRE version wasn't the problem.


On 11/17/12 9:39 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
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On 11/16/12 3:15 PM, Ralph Grove wrote:
I stopped tomcat, deleted work and all of the application
directories that were derived from war files. Same problem after
restarting, though. It looks like all JSP's are failing.
Do you precompile any of your JSPs? I would expect something like this
to happen if you upgraded Tomcat itself, but the JRE shouldn't matter.

What happens if you downgrade the JRE?

- -chris


Ralph F Grove, Ph.D.
James Madison University Department of Computer Science

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