On 20 Nov 2012, at 21:44, Jim <open...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> What I'm getting at is this: your release process should produce a
>> .war (or exploded directory) that is copied to Tomcat and that Tomcat
>> should not be reading any part of the app from the /war directory - a
>> source controlled directory.
> Right: we produce an exploded directory which is then copied to Tomcat.  The 
> exploded "/war" directory in our project is copied into 
> "$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/[name of app]".  All of Tomcat, including the "/work" 
> and "/webapps" directories, is separate from our source-controlled project.
> To clarify one thing: the JSPs /are/ being compiled, and recompiled.  I will 
> see the classfile for the JSP/tag appear in Tomcat's "/work" directory, but 
> Tomcat claims it can't find it. If I remove the ".class" file in the "/work" 
> directory, and re-visit the JSP, Tomcat will re-compile the .class file, but 
> the page will still fail to load with the same error about not being able to 
> "resolve" the class.  That latter behavior makes me think that Git/timestamps 
> are a red herring; my problem seems to be that the compilation occurs 
> correctly, but that the classes are sometimes not loaded into the 
> classloader.  Also, when this error happens, restarting Tomcat -- without 
> changing the contents of "/webapp/[name of app]" at all -- resolves the 
> issue, which hints at some sort of classloading race condition.
> -- Jim
> On 11/20/12 3:40 PM, Pid * wrote:
>> On 20 Nov 2012, at 19:44, Jim <open...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> No -- the /war/WEB-INF/classes directory is .gitignored, and empty until we 
>>> deploy, at which point we copy in the compiled .java files, etc.
>>> I suppose my core question is: if 
>>> "$CATALINA_HOME/work/Catalina/localhost/_/org/apache/jsp/tag/web/about_tag.class"
>>>  exists, what situations could cause Tomcat to give the following error:
>>> An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: 
>>> /WEB-INF/jsp/about/about_impact.jsp
>>> org.apache.jsp.tag.web.about_tag cannot be resolved to a type
>>> 1: <%@ include file="../common/constants.jsp" %><templates:about>
>>> If I delete 
>>> "$CATALINA_HOME/work/Catalina/localhost/_/org/apache/jsp/tag/web/about_tag.class",
>>>  and re-visit "/WEB-INF/jsp/about/about_impact.jsp", 
>>> "$CATALINA_HOME/work/Catalina/localhost/_/org/apache/jsp/tag/web/about_tag.class"
>>>  gets re-created, but I still get the above error.
>>> So, Tomcat appears to be compiling the JSP fine, but that compiled JSP does 
>>> not appear to be making it into the classloader?
>>> -- Jim
>>> On 11/20/12 2:34 PM, Pid * wrote:
>>>> On 20 Nov 2012, at 13:42, Jim <open...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for the question -- I worded that part awkwardly.
>>>>> Our project has a root-level "/src" directory with the web app's Java 
>>>>> files, and a root-level "/war" directory with the exploded non-Java files 
>>>>> (static assets, JSPs, etc.).  When developing, Eclipse compiles the 
>>>>> "/src" directory into the "/war/WEB-INF/classes" directory, and then 
>>>>> copies any changed files from "/war" into its embedded Tomcat instance.
>>>>> When we switch Git branches, that could change the .jsp/.tag files inside 
>>>>> the "/war" directory, but depending on the branch, those changed files 
>>>>> might have an earlier modified-timestamp than the .jsp/.tag files that 
>>>>> have already been copied over to the embedded Tomcat's exploded webapp 
>>>>> directory.  So my thought was that those files would not, then, be 
>>>>> recompiled, and so at runtime, Tomcat would be using the older versions 
>>>>> of those files that are cached in Tomcat's "/work" directory.  I think 
>>>>> that theory is countered, however, by my colleague's claim that she 
>>>>> clears out "/work" before deploying a new branch, and also my own 
>>>>> experience wherein I watched Tomcat re-compile the .tag file into the 
>>>>> "/work" directory, yet still claim the tag's class "cannot be resolved."
>>>>> But to clarify: no part of Tomcat itself, including "/work", is kept 
>>>>> under version control.
>>>>> -- Jim
>>>>> On 11/20/12 2:18 AM, Pid * wrote:
>>>>>> On 19 Nov 2012, at 23:58, Jim <open...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello!
>>>>>>> My team has been having an issue wherein our application occasionally 
>>>>>>> fails to start up because Tomcat claims it can't find find a 
>>>>>>> dynamically-created classfile.  This doesn't happen all the time, and 
>>>>>>> restarting Tomcat (albeit more than once, sometimes) resolves it.
>>>>>>> For example, I just started my Tomcat 6.0.26 instance (via Eclipse WTP, 
>>>>>>> on OS 10.7.5), tried to load a page, and got:
>>>>>>> ** snip **
>>>>>>> An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: 
>>>>>>> /WEB-INF/jsp/about/about_impact.jsp
>>>>>>> org.apache.jsp.tag.web.about_tag cannot be resolved to a type
>>>>>>> 1: <%@ include file="../common/constants.jsp" %><templates:about>
>>>>>>> ** snip/ **
>>>>>>> The constants.jsp referenced above contains:
>>>>>>> <%@ taglib prefix="templates" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags" %>
>>>>>>> ... and /WEB-INF/tags contains the "about.tag" file.
>>>>>>> The "$CATALINA_HOME/work/Catalina/localhost/_/org/apache/jsp/tag/web" 
>>>>>>> directory exists, and it contains both about_tag.class and 
>>>>>>> about_tag.java, with timestamps corresponding to when I loaded the page.
>>>>>>> I then deleted those files, and refreshed the page in my browser. 
>>>>>>> about_tag.class and about_tag.java get recreated in that directory, but 
>>>>>>> I still get the above error claiming about_tag can't be resolved.
>>>>>>> I then restarted Tomcat, refreshed the page in my browser, and all is 
>>>>>>> well.
>>>>>>> I've also seen this happen regularly for my Windows-using colleagues, 
>>>>>>> as well as in a non-Eclipse Linux-based 6.0.29 instance, and (hearsay) 
>>>>>>> a colleague reported it happening in his Tomcat 7. Thinking it was a 
>>>>>>> runtime race condition, we also tried telling Tomcat to load the JSP on 
>>>>>>> startup via the web.xml, and while we did see the .java and .class 
>>>>>>> files being created on startup, we still ran into the issue.  We 
>>>>>>> haven't yet tried pre-compiling our JSPs/TAGs before starting Tomcat -- 
>>>>>>> but that shouldn't be necessary, right?
>>>>>>> I'd love some advice/insight in how I might investigate this further, 
>>>>>>> or if there's a "gotcha" I might be running into.  It "feels" like a 
>>>>>>> race condition in the classloader, but I don't want to submit a bug 
>>>>>>> report without a reliable test case, of course. Since we can't reliably 
>>>>>>> recreate the situation, I'm having trouble putting that together.
>>>>>>> This seems to happen more often for me when I'm switching between 
>>>>>>> substantially-different Git branches, so I thought it might have to do 
>>>>>>> with the /work directory having older versions of the JSPs/TAGs, but 
>>>>>>> one of my colleagues claims to clean her "/work" directory every time 
>>>>>>> she switches branches, and before starting Tomcat, and still getting 
>>>>>>> the issue.
>>>>>> What is the relationship between Git and Tomcat, exactly?
>>>>>> Does Tomcat load an app (or its files) directly from a version
>>>>>> controlled file system?
>>>>>> p
>>>>>>> Thanks in advance for any help!
>>>>>>> Jim
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>>>> Is any part of the compiled output, under /war in version control?
>>>> (It should not be).
>>>> p
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>> I wasn't clear.
>> What I'm getting at is this: your release process should produce a
>> .war (or exploded directory) that is copied to Tomcat and that Tomcat
>> should not be reading any part of the app from the /war directory - a
>> source controlled directory.
>> If this is the case?
>> If this is a common feature of you & your colleagues dev environments
>> it's a candidate for the cause, in my view.
>> Another common reason is timestamps on files not matching
>> server/machine time, but I don't think this fits your description.
>> p
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There have been some fixes to Jasper since 6.0.26 (the latest is 6.0.36).

Perhaps you could try with the latest release?


PS are you seeing any clues about top posting?

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