> That's a really old version, you should strongly consider upgrading to the 
> latest Tomcat 6.0.x or 7.0.x release.
My SSO (old JOSSO version) works only with 6.0.18.

> How are you determining this? Are you looking at open connections from your 
> database?  Are you looking at JMX stats for the connection pool?
I'm using JavaMelody monitoring system.

> These don't really seem to be indicating any sort of problem.  The first 
> looks like it is reading data from a socket, the second is simply waiting for 
> something to do.  
Yes, but why there are 50 open old (some almost a month) DB connections (and 
still raising) on low traffic app? That is strange. There should be some 
parameter to auto close old connections. I have tried tunning many parameters, 
but without success.

> This looks fairly normal with the exception that you are using an 
> OracleDataSource.  Not sure how much this list will be able to help you if 
> the problem is with the connection pool.  You'd probably need to contact 
> Oracle.
I was using DBCP, but I couldn't cast in my Java servlet code from DBCP to 
OracleConnection once when I get DBCP datasource from JNDI 
(getInnerConnection() also didn't helped), so I swithced from DBCP to 

Best regards,

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