yes but he needs to achieve a reliable connection between himself and the 
SSLServer (at least until key negotiation has completed)
broken pipe(s) are a bear to debug but you have a few tools available to you:

netstat  SSLServerIP 
-- if you see ANY intervening nodes hanging more than 4 sec drop from arp cache 
generally by arp -d ServerIP
assuming your ServerIP is is and the physical address of the 
network you want to connect to is 00-aa-00-62-c6-09  (check with net-admin for 
the physical-address or eth-addr to use) > arp -s   
00-aa-00-62-c6-09  .... Adds a static entry.
 > arp -a                                    .... Displays the arp table. route 
 > print will display the routes between you and the SSLServer if you dont see 
 > a route referencing the server you may want to add in your own route with 
route add DESTINATION MASK Mask  METRIC NoOfHops Interface InterfaceNumbercheck 
with net-admin DESTINATION is generally the dotted.quad.of.SSLServercheck with 
net-admin generally Mask = will docheck with net admin about which 
Interface to use..avoid (unless testing locally)check with net admin 
on NoOfHops param ..generally the lower the better use curl (command line url) 
to check the validity of the certificate, keys and passwordscurl -1 --cacert 
[file] --key PrivateKey.jks --pass PrivateKeyPass --key-type PEM --pubkey 
PublicKey.jks-1 says use TLSv1check the type of key most keys start out as PEM
PEM key ends with .PEM extension ...DER key with .DER... ENG key ends with 
.ENG once you've been able to achieve a 
Key Exchange you will have a valid SSL Connection..remember binaries have lower 
CPU so test with a reliable binary first
then start debugging your code (i assume you added your CA cert into your local 
truststore) enough pollution?
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 > From:
> To:;
> Subject: RE: Tomcat 7 SSL Session ID
> Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2012 09:57:38 +1100
> Broken pipes don't invalidate the SSL session. They just break the TCP
> connection. The SSL session persists, across multiple TCP connections, until
> it is specifically invalidated by someone: for example, timed out by the
> SSLSessionContext.
>   _____  
> From: Vincent Goelen [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, 5 December 2012 1:15 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Tomcat 7 SSL Session ID
> Hey,
> thanks for the help! 
> To be clear, I do not want a 0ms timeout... I'm doing research about how
> "usable" the SSL session tracking option is for session management...
> With the standard settings it seems very unstable to me, when sending alot
> of parallel requests I get a broken socket error invalidating the ssl
> session and making the session with this id disappear. In this case it would
> seem to me that it's easy to create Denial of Service attacks by just
> sending alot of requests so the user loses his session.
> By playing with the timeouts I found out this problem doesn't occur when I
> set the timeout to 0, just by playing with the settings. Perhaps because
> this disables the possibility of too many parallel connections? I can't find
> the reason of this in the Tomcat or SSL specs... 
> I've added a screenshot of a capture where things go wrong without setting a
> keepAlive.. So I send alot of requests to the server, the first clientHello
> (pck 38943) and the following packets everything goes ok, when the
> application data is being send I get a tcp rst from port 54195 (this is the
> connection that was used for the transactions before the current one) ... At
> this moment my session gets invalidates making the next SSL handshake a full
> one with new ID (pckt 40361, ...)
> 2012/11/29 Christopher Schultz <>
> Hash: SHA1
> Vincent,
> On 11/28/12 3:14 AM, Vincent Goelen wrote:
> > When the keepAliveTimeout is not set to "0" I can see in the SSL
> > debug logs the SSL session get's invalidated after some requests
> > with a Broken Pipe exception. Is this because there are too many
> > open connections during the keepAliveTimeout?
> It's probably because of your pathological keepAliveTimeout. 0ms
> seems, er, low. Why did you choose 0ms?
> I haven't looked at the code, so I'm not sure if the elapsed timer
> starts when the last request is completed (which seems reasonable) or
> when the last request started. I suspect the latter. 0ms is awfully
> short. Are you sure that your client is capable of accepting the
> response to the previous request and turn-around and make another
> request across the same channel before 0ms passes?
> > It also only happens when processing the requests takes some time
> > (fe. storing items in database) or when I put the threat to sleep
> > for testing purpose.
> So if you have a trivial request (say, HEAD for a static resource),
> you can never get a failure?
> > When inspecting the traffic I see some tcp-rst packages (problem is
> > here?) from previous connections while the current one is being
> > processed.
> When you say "current one" what do you mean? If you are using a single
> connection with HTTP keepalive, then there is only one connection to
> talk about: you can't get RSTs from "previous connections". You may be
> getting TCP RST as the server closes the connection while the client
> is trying to write. Is that what you are experiencing?
> > My question is why these SSL Sessions get invalidated after alot of
> > quick requests to the server since this gives a problem with my SSL
> > Session tracking since the id changes then.
> Maybe if you can explain why you want a 0ms keepalive timeout it would
> be helpful. If you want to disable keep alives, set
> maxKeepAliveRequests="1". If you want to allow an infinite timeout,
> try using keepAliveTimeout="-1" as the documentation states.
> - -chris
> Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
> Comment: GPGTools -
> Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined -
> tLwAmweVvlGCGqU2eAdYtrzezwkEPhZF
> =J7dz
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