
I'm using Tomcat 6.0 (6.035 for now). 

I've got an issue with balancing multiple connections from httpd to tomcat. 
It looks like tomcat is opening http port (8080) right after startup, and is 
accepting connections on it. 
At the same time, application itself is starting for about 1-2 minutes, 
depending on server speed. 

Because connections are accepted to http port, httpd is not removing starting 
tomcat from balancer members. 
As result, a lot of connections are directed to currently starting tomcat, but 
no connections are served during application startup. 

I have multiple tomcat servers behind http. If I want to restart one of these 
servers, httpd will still pass requests to it, making users to wait long time 
before response is received. 

Is it possible to configure tomcat to open http port only after application is 
fully started? 

I found that AJP port is started only after application startup, unfortunately 
system is fully configured to use http, and migrating to AJP generate too much 
overhead for us. 

Vladimir Girnet

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