I am running 3 servers; Apache, Tomcat (5.5.16, java version "1.5.0_06",
Informix JDBC-1.3.00.JC3) and Informix (7.31.UD2).
After the app has been idle for several hours tomcat cannot access the
database. Netstat shows not connections to the database
and tcpdump shows no traffic at all going the database when queries are made
to the app (which would cause the database to be consulted)
At first it seemed that the overnight backup of the database was causing
this problem but restarting tomcat after the backup only fixes this problem
for a few more hours.
I wrote a loop to wget url's that cause the database to be consulted every
60 sec but after several hours this problem happens again. Tomcat seems to
be fine, I can load the
management page and restart the app. Only restarting tomcat fixes this
problem, reloading the app does not fix the problem.. Nothing is being
logged during and right before this problem.

Does anyone have suggestions to further debug this problem ?

James H. Edwards
Network Systems Administrator
Judicial Information Division

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