I didn't want to come here to ask as I always hate to bother anyone, but
maybe I should have come here first.  I'm coming up short on answers and
ideas.  I'm having an issue with using maven and the tomcat7 plugin.

Maven version -3.0.4
Tomcat version - 7.0.29
.jdk version - 1.6
tomcat7-maven-plugin version - 2.0

Hey group,  I am having an issue here with using the tomcat7-maven-plugin
in conjunction with the tomcat 7 manager.  here's what I have so far.

tomcat-users.xml -

    <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
    <role rolename="manager-script"/>
    <role rolename="admin"/>
    <user username="localTomcatAdmin" password="password"

in my M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml: (note not in my .m2/ directory)
(I'll get to this definition in a minute)


now for the last piece, in my pom-deploy.xml (parent) I have this:


I have verified that the manager works with the applied credentials, I can
login and supply the credentials to my local /manager/html.

The problem is that when I deploy through maven as mvn tomcat7:deploy and
returns me the dreaded 401 - Unauthorized page with the same credentials.
It's almost like maven is not parsing the configuration for the plugin

At this point I don't know what to do.  I've turned on verbose output in
maven and it shows what appears that the plugin is attempting to upload the
war file twice and returns the 401 page.

I also have a question as to getting this to work initially.  I added the
<pluginGroup>org.apache.tomcat.maven</pluginGroup> to my conf/settings.xml
to get the tomcat7 plugin to download and work, is this normal or should I
not have to define it here?  I mean having to change and version maven
settings.xml files seems a bit counter intuitive for preserving maximum
portability right, or am I looking at this from the wrong angle?

Any information anyone can provide as to where to look or what could be
causing this issue, I would be greatly appreciated.

Warmest regards,

- Josh

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