On Dec 27, 2012 3:36 PM, "Ferdie Romero" <ferdierom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We recently upgraded from tomcat 6.032 to 7.032 and apache from 2.0.59 to
2.2.23 and when we tried to access one of the index.jsp only the header and
footer are appearing. If we use the previous version of tomcat 6.0.32 the
index.jsp loads completely. We are aware of the changes on tomcat 7: server
3.0, jsp 2.2 and el 2.2 but we can't seem to identify which part of the
custom codes are causing the issue. No errors are seen in the logs. Hope
you can help us further investigate and resolve this issue.

I forgot to mention that the original error we had was

"an exception occurred processing JSP page.... "

We then updated Web.xml to use server 2.5 instead of 3.0 and the error no
longer appear but the page does not load the body section of the index. Jsp


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