Husarik, Branko wrote:
SOAP service logic should manipulate the message, but there is need to receive message 
from Tomcat by reading it's input stream. Problem is, there is only error stream 
cointaining tomcat error coming from Tomcat. I think it is caused by message from web 
service, which cointains " HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error " in HTTP 
protocol and SOAP message is not forwarded. It seems to me like common logic, but i don't 
know, how to set Tomcat to forward these messages to input stream.

Personally, I do not understand what you are trying to say. I believe that there is some incorrect understanding on your part of how this is supposed to work.

In the scenario as you describe it,
- Oracle is the HTTP client for Tomcat (just like any browser could be a client)
- inside Tomcat, runs some webapp which happens to be a SOAP proxy. What this webapp does, is unknown to Tomcat. As far as Tomcat is concerned, this webapp is supposed to process some HTTP requests (depending on the URL of the request), and generate a HTTP response.
Schematically, we have this :

request :
Oracle client --> HTTP --> Tomcat --> webapp (--> ???? (unknown to Tomcat))

response :
( ???? (unknown to Tomcat) --> ) webapp --> Tomcat --> HTTP --> Oracle client

Repeat : what the webapp does inside is unknown and of (almost) no interest to 
(For example, if the webapp uses HTTPS to communicate with something else, Tomcat never knows this, and never plays any role in that part) So in this case, if the webapp generates a response which happens to be a 500 error, Tomcat will forward this to the (Oracle client). Tomcat will never read any "input stream coming back from the webapp" or anything like this.
It is the webapp which is responsible for that kind of thing.

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