
my name is David an I'm working for a electronic consumer company in Germany we 
are selling and producing TV's, receiver, satellite dishes etc..

We got some serious trouble with our tomcats. Basically we using two 7.0.12 
tomcats on a single Debian 6.0. One is running on port 7090 and the other on 
9080. Time after time both tomcats are crashing. I found too many open files in 
Both Servers are running with one user (TOMCAT).
After changing max open files for that particular user I was able to get more 
than 1024 open files. Currently I'm checking log files every few minutes. With 
lsof|grep tomcat|wc -l I'm counting the open files by user. Usually there are 
around 600-700 open files. But sometimes the count grows and we have more than 
1200 open files.
When ever the server does have so many open files I checked: lsof -u tomcat an 
figured out there are many connection waiting to be closed. The connections are 
looking like this:
 java    22312 tomcat  153u  IPv6            1508517      0t0     TCP 
localhost:afs3-rmtsys->localhost:50127 (CLOSE_WAIT)
I googled a bit for afs3-rmtsys and figured out that the protocol seems to be a 
remote cache manager. But I couldn't find any more information.

Does anyone of you know what my problem might be?


Mit freundlichen Grüßen
David Kumar
Softwareentwickler, B. Sc.
Abteilung Infotech - Interaktiv
Am Weiher 14
D-56766 Ulmen


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