Chuck and others,

How do you think capacity planning should be approached ?

Say for eg : I have x number of concurrent users to service with an avg
response time of y etc..

Please help.

Thank You,

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 12:08 PM, yogesh hingmire <
> wrote:

> Folks,
>>  I was reading this article by Mladen Turk from the FAQ section on TomCat
>> Performance & Capacity Planning
>> It says,
>> “To get most out of Tomcat you should limit the number of concurrent
>> requests to 200 per CPU."
>> So we can come with the simple formula to calculate the maximum number of
>> concurrent connections a physical box can handle:
>>                                              500
>>     Concurrent requests = ( ----------  ) * Number of CPU's
>>                                      AART (ms)
>>  The Question I have is,  how did Turk arrive at this formula and why
>> does he say to get the max we have to limit to 200.
>>  Thank You for all your help

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