what does the TC log say..

have you run TC standalone $CATALINA_HOME\bin\catalina start

if TC runs standalone but not thru eclipse then you have 2 possible problems:

1)possible Mis-configured TC eclipse plugin
2)There is a problem with TC eclipse plugin itself..probably
  2a)possible version mismatch between TC plugin and child dependencies

 2b)possible resource allocation issue..socket bound..not enough PermGen space 
etc pingback with your findings

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 > From: vinit1...@live.in
> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
> Subject: Problem
> Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2013 13:22:17 +0530
> Hi all,I am having a problem in starting the apache tomcat server version 
> 7.0.31 through eclipse.It is showing the message that server taking time to 
> start the server,so increase the start time limit,after configuring this  i 
> am not able to rectify this problem.
> thanks                                          

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