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On 1/28/13 11:02 AM, Tiago Sousa wrote:
> Em 28/01/2013 15:41, Christopher Schultz escreveu: Tiago,
> On 1/28/13 8:49 AM, Tiago Sousa wrote:
>>>> Thanks, one more time, for your reply. The problem with log4j
>>>> 1.x is that it outputs the following error: log4j:WARN No
>>>> appenders could be found for logger
>>>> (org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded). log4j:WARN Please
>>>> initialize the log4j system properly.
>>>> I know that this is a common error, usually related with
>>>> classpath problems. In my case, the configuration i'm using
>>>> doesn´t seem to be have those sort of problems....
> This is a symptom of having your log4j.properties in the wrong
> place.
> You never said anything about using Tomcat Embedded. If you are
> using Embedded Tomcat, you'll have to make sure that your
> log4j.properties file is in the CLASSPATH of the JVM when it
> starts.
> -chris
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> Hi. Thanks for your reply. Isn´t that assured (log4j in classpath)
> putting the log4j.properties in apache lib folder since i'm using
> tomcat 6.x?

If you are using Tomcat Embedded, you are entirely responsible for
your own CLASSPATH. The "Embedded" class causes the logger to be
initialized before any real code gets executed (it's in the first
static initializer in the class), so "Embedded" can't change the
CLASSPATH or launch a new ClassLoader for that purpose.

Can you please describe your environment? It's been tough to get
details from you.

- -chris
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