
I need a help for the following problem - 

I have a web application where cookies are getting added multiple times and 
because of that response header is becoming big containing many duplicate 
cookies. Now the web application is so big that it is nearly impossible to 
correct those cookie logic in a short term.

So I have planned to use a HttpServletResponseWrapper in a Filter. It will 
contain a HashMap. I have overridden the addcookie method of the response 
wrapper. Now the cookies will be added to the map instead of response. So it 
will not have any duplicate cookie. Now I have created a Custom Servlet Output 
Stream and Print writer and overridden the close method. Before closing the 
stream/writer I will take the cookies from map and will add to the actual 
response header. Problem is it works fine with pure servlet. But the close 
method of the stream/writer not getting called when using with JSP. What can be 
the issue - 

I have overridden the getOutPutStream/Getwriter method and those method will 
return my custom classes. I have also overridden the flushbuffer method.

Arnab Ghosh    

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