Thanks for the information.  I'm still a bit perplexed how to
increase/change the settings so these issues dont cause the "hang" I saw
this morning.  My guess was that I hit some type of limit on sockets/file
descriptors.  I'm not sure if the fix is in my application, network
settings or the OS file descriptor limits.

On a related note, I also notice lots of TIME_WAIT connections to port
8080.  What controls how long the connection is in TIME_WAIT?

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 12:32 PM, André Warnier <> wrote:

> André Warnier wrote:
>> TVFoodMaps wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> My website is setup using apache 2, mod jk 1.37 and tomcat 6.  Most of
>>> the
>>> connector settings are set to defaults and things normally run pretty
>>> well.
>>>  However during certain spikes in traffic my server seems to hang by what
>>> appears to be caused by "leaking connections".  What I see is about 250
>>> rows like this from a netstat:
>>> tcp        1      0 ::ffff:       ::ffff:
>>> tcp        1      0 ::ffff:       ::ffff:
>>> tcp      689      0 ::ffff:       ::ffff:
>>> tcp      686      0 ::ffff:       ::ffff:
>>> I also am see a lot of these:
>>> tcp        1      0 ::ffff:      ::ffff:
>>> tcp        1      0 ::ffff:      ::ffff:
>>> tcp        0      0 ::ffff:      ::ffff:
>>> (Note the application makes direct calls to port 8080 for a specific API
>>> I'm using (SOLR)).
>>> I'm really not sure which is actually causing the problem, but I was
>>> hoping
>>> for some guidane on which settings I should look into tweaking.
>>>  Hi.
>> 1) here is one (among many) explanation of the CLOSE_WAIT state.
>> explaining-close-wait.aspx<>
>> (and many more if you search google for "tcp close_wait")
>> Basically, it is a normal state through which any TCP connection passes
>> at some point.
>> It is only pathological when you many of them persisting for a long time.
>> 2) assuming yours are pathological and persist a long time :
>> 2.a) the ones like this :
>>  > tcp        1      0 ::ffff:       ::ffff:
>> involve port 8009, which is the AJP port of Tomcat, in this case the
>> "server" side. The other side is mod_jk within Apache httpd, in this case
>> the client side (because it is mod_jk which first establishes the
>> connection to Tomcat, so mod_jk is the client here).
>> If one of these persists for a long time, it means that the client
>> (mod_jk) does not entirely close its connection to Tomcat.
>> Why that could be, another person here would have to explain.
>> 2.b) the other ones like
>>  > tcp        1      0 ::ffff:      ::ffff:
>> relate to your application (as a client), which does not entirely close()
>> its connections to port 8080.
>> In my own experience - and assuming that you application is a java
>> application - this can happen for example as follows :
>> - the explicit connection to port 8080 is made from within some object,
>> as part of the creation of that object
>> - then when the application doesn't need the "connection object" anymore,
>> it discards it.
>> - the object is left on the heap, waiting to be garbage-collected
>> - when it is (eventually) garbage-collected, it will really de destroyed,
>> and any lingering "socket" within it will be closed (and the line above
>> will disappear from your netstat output)
>> but..
>> while it sits on the heap waiting to be garbage-collected (which could be
>> for a long time if your system has a lot of spare heap memory), that inner
>> socket is still there, not totally closed (the server closed its side, but
>> the client didn't).
>> Eventually, you may have so many sockets in the CLOSE_WAIT state, that
>> your system's TCP stack becomes unresponsive. (That's what I have seen
>> happening under Linux).
>> I do not really know the real underlying reason for this behaviour, but
>> my guess is that below the level of Java and the JVM, a Java socket at some
>> level relies on a OS-level socket object.  And as long as that OS-level
>> socket object is not explicitly told to close() the connection, it doesn't.
>> So make sure that before you discard your high-level objects containing a
>> connection, you explicitly close that connection.
>>  Addendum : this may be interesting too :
>**p=63 <>
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