Tim Watts wrote:
On Sun, 2013-02-10 at 18:51 +0800, vicky wrote:
Hi All, My application need a "resource/properties" file to exist in the
CLASSPATH, for this i placed my resource file in <CATALINA_BASE>/bin
folder & it was working fine.
But since yesterday my application reporting the error that properties
file doesnt exist in classpath/path
In order to fix then i created the lib folder in my <CATALINA_BASE> &
placed my "properties/resourc"e file over there, which eventually
fixed my application CLASSPATH issue.
But the thing which makes me wonder that how my application was able
to access the properties file earlier when i placed it
<CATALINA_BASE>/bin  location
& what makes it to stop now.
Kindly suggest what all can be the scenarios/prossible use case for this, TOmcat version - 6.0.35 Thanks

The only reasonable explanation is that you angered the Supreme Tomcat
God by putting your resource in {CATALINA_BASE}/bin.  Being indisposed
to suffer fools for long, she removed it and made you do penance by
putting it in a Sanctioned location such as {CATALINA_BASE}/lib.  Be
Glad O Sister!  The Tomcat God is Merciful and Smiles down upon you!

But let this be a warning, as She does not always act so benignly when one Jerry-rigs one's classpath.

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