You should consider setting up a cluster of Tomcat's to service your requests.  
With 40-50 thousand concurrent connections you're likely to need to balance the 
load anyway.  Are you familiar with setting up a Tomcat cluster?

-----Original Message-----
From: Amit Bhagra [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 7:20 AM
Subject: Achieve large number of concurrent websocket connections (~40000-50000)

Hello All

                        Tomcat Server:             7.0.35

Operating System Version:  Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.5

Java Version:              java version "1.6.0_11"

Memory:                    4137112 kB

CPU:                       Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5530  @ 2.40GHz
(Quad core with HT enabled)


                        I am developing a tomcat application which requires a 
large number of websocket connections to remain opened during the time users 
are logged in (around 40-50 thousand). I have a ruby script (written using 
faye-websocket) which can open as many websocket connections as we desire and 
then send random messages on websockets and receive response from server. This 
works well for small number of concurrent websocket connections. The issue is I 
am not able to achieve a very high number of websocket connections. Using the 
default blocking connector of Tomcat only that much connections can be opened 
as specified with maxThreads param (500-600). Configuring a NIO connector I am 
able to open around 10000 connections after that the connections start to close 
automatically. I have set the fd-limit to 65535 accordingly and using a 1GB 
initial heap size.
Even with an APR connector the number remains pretty much same.


                        My question is what configurations or steps I can take 
in order to achieve desired number of concurrent websocket connections 
(40000-50000). Has anybody been able to achieve this much number of 
simultaneous websocket connections with a tomcat app? Thanks in advance for 
answering this.



Amit Bhagra

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