Sorry, I already posted this question with the wrong subject.
(I started the mail earlier, when I had another problem...)


I need to start and stop a connector inside a servlet.
That works with the following code:

                final org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector nioConnector =
                        new org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector(
"org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" );
                nioConnector.setAttribute( "executor", "osiris4Executor" );
                nioConnector.setPort( port );
                nioConnector.setRedirectPort( 443 );
                service.addConnector( nioConnector );

Then I can access the application using that port.
I can also remove the connector again:

                try {
                } catch ( LifecycleException e ) {
                service.removeConnector( nioConnector );

However, I seem to miss some step, because a
"NioBlockingSelector.BlockPoller-X" thread is left.
As I called the upper code in a testcase in a loop I ended up with lots of
such threads.

What do I have to do to completely remove a connector?

(BTW: How can I find and use an executor that is defined in server.xml using
the code above?)


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