getridofthespam wrote:

Google didn't give any relevant info so I try here.

I traced a tomcat request and noticed there where two different date formats in the last-modified header:
Mon, 07 Jan 2013 21:49:08 GMT

What determines the format and where do the differences come from?

According to Perl's help, these formats orginate from :
They correspond to the C library routines strftime and ctime.

Searching Google for that, this page provides a lot more information :

I am also sure that there must be an RFC (2616?) that mentions the various acceptable formats in HTTP. Mmmm. For example, searching Google for "http rfc date format" yields this : (and also a reference to RFC 2616).

Now, how from there they make their way into Tomcat's "last-modified" headers, I wouldn't know.

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