
We're using Jetty 8.1.3.v20120416 w/ JDBCSessionManager as our application
server with Tomcat 7's JDBC Connection pool 7.0.28.  We've run this
particular combination in production since at least Sept 2012.  (Java 6 64
bit/Ubuntu, Amazon RDS/MySQL db.)

This morning one Jetty instance stopped accepting requests and the problem
appears to be a deadlock btw a jetty connection handler thread and the conn
pool's "PoolCleaner" thread.  From jstack trace:
Deadlock Detection:

Found one Java-level deadlock:

  waiting to lock Monitor@0x00007f4350001fd0 (Object@0x00000006c01a0e88, a
  which is held by "PoolCleaner[2009981184:1363034108768]"
  waiting to lock Monitor@0x00007f4350001f28 (Object@0x00000006c1ed5738, a
  which is held by "qtp1840392480-3740"

Once this happened all other worker threads blocked at various points
within JDBCSession manager.  Obviously restarting the instance resolved the
issue for now.

How does one go about diagnosing / resolving such an issue?  It's not clear
to me if either component is "at fault" here...I have the full jstack
output as well as a full heap dump of the java process, if that would help.


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