On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 10:43 AM, Martin Grigorov <mgrigo...@apache.org>wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm experiencing troubles with updating CSS/JS resources in
> META-INF/resources during development.
> My application is a multi module Maven project. Some of the 'jar' modules
> (i.e. the ones that are packed in WEB-INF/lib/**) have META-INF/resources
> with some CSS/JS files inside.
> Deploying the project in Tomcat 7.0.37 in the IDE (Intellij IDEA) as
> "exploded-war" allows me to edit my .java files and the resources which end
> in the context root (in Maven terminology - src/main/webapp) then do
> "update classes and resources" in the IDE and I can see my changes in the
> browser.
> Unfortunately this doesn't work for META-INF/resources (Servlet 3.0)
> because it seems Tomcat very aggressively caches these resources.
> I've stepped with the debugger thru various **DirContext implementations
> and I see that the lastModificationTime is cached in JNDI Attributes and
> the file content itself
> in org.apache.naming.resources.Resource#binaryContent.
> Am I correct to assume that there is no way to archive the short
> development cycle with META-INF/resources ?
> Thanks
> Martin

I just realized that the IDE does the update of the resources and a quick
search led me to http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-72577
I'm not sure how they do this for the resources in the context root but I
guess they use some Tomcat internal APIs, or reflection to clean the caches.
If you think you know how this may be improved please comment in this

Thank you!

Martin Grigorov
Training, Consulting, Development
http://jWeekend.com <http://jweekend.com/>

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