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On 3/15/13 3:56 PM, Nick Williams wrote:
> I tried using a JAR URL. (If I remember correctly, it ended up 
> looking something like 
> jar:url://C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/Project/target/Test.jar!/Test.war.

doesn't look right.

> I tried it as both a directory and a WAR file. Tomcat did not like
> it. It said "Could not deploy web application to [temporary webapps
>  directory location]" or something like that. I ended up, at
> runtime, extracting the war file from the JAR file to a temporary
> directory and deploying from there. That worked great, and it's how
> the Tomcat Maven plugin executable war works, too.

Don't build your own URL. Instead, do this in your driver that calls

String docBase = getClass().getResource("/web);
String ROOT = "";
tomcat.addWebapp(ROOT, docBase);

It's probably worth dumping-out the URL just to see what it looks
like. Note that your CLASSPATH can affect what getResource() will
return, so make sure you don't have too much classpath pollution.

>> I dunno anything about the Tomcat Maven plugin, but I think that
>> an executable WAR file is exactly what you are trying to build.
> It is. There are some issues (not bugs) with the Tomcat Maven
> plugin executable war, the first one being that it's not very easy
> to customize without using command-line arguments (makes it kind of
> hard to "double-click" and run the executable war effectively).
> Also, while there are snapshots for the Tomcat 8.0 embedded
> artifacts, there is no Tomcat 8.0 version of the Tomcat Maven
> plugin yet, so I literally can't use it. I ended up using a few
> maven modules and the embedded Tomcat artifacts to create my own
> executable WAR. Working great now.


>>> This may be premature (getting it working is my priority), but
>>> I should mention that performance is important to what I'm
>>> doing here. I'd like to enable the native code. Some
>>> applications and libraries include native DLLs/SOs/JNILIBs in
>>> their JAR files, copy them to a temporary directory at runtime
>>> and load them from the temporary location (to avoid having to
>>> actually "install" the native libraries in the OS or JVM
>>> directory structure). Is there a way to do this with an
>>> embedded/executable Tomcat application so that the Tomcat
>>> classes can take advantage of the native library?
>> I'm almost sure Java won't load a shared library out of a JAR
>> file, so you'll have to use this same technique: extract some
>> shared libraries out of your JAR file and throw them into
>> java.io.tmpdir/pid/shared/* or whatever and then instruct the JVM
>> to load them from there (or modify the java.library.path system
>> property to point to that and let them load naturally).
> Yea. I got that working. Embedded the DLLs in the JAR file and
> then extracted at runtime. Learned a lot about how Tomcat loads the
> native library and filed and created a patch for improvement
> request #54700 as a result.

That bug report offers a silly suggestion: use a system property to
configure where tcnative can be found because setting system
properties at startup is inconvenient? I suppose that system property
would be writable at runtime and so marginally more useful. What about
a setting where the native library wasn't loaded *at all* so an
embedded driver can load it however it wants?

> This is a prototype for now, but if we use it for real we'll 
> probably compile and include statically-linked Linux .so and Mac
> .jnilib files as well, and let the other platforms just run without
> APR.

This won't work without a whole lot of work like sniffing the
architecture at runtime and then extracting only the right libraries
(or just giving them all different names).

>> Also, if APR doesn't load for some reason, you'll have to
>> configure your SSL Connectors completely differently (using
>> trustStore instead of SSLCertificateKeyFile, etc.), which could
>> be a real pain.
> Not using SSL, so not concerned here.
>> As for performance itself, you may not actually need APR: if you
>> need SSL, then APR is probably the way to go. If you don't need
>> SSL, stick to the NIO connector which provides comparable
>> performance (from the testing I've done). I dunno if APR provides
>> a faster PRNG than whatever the JVM provides, but I believe the
>> AprLifecycleListener configures Tomcat to use the OpenSSL PRNG
>> which may have some advantages -- I don't actually know.
> Interesting. My reading on the Tomcat site seemed to indicate APR 
> was better in ALL cases, not just OpenSSL. I will keep this in
> mind.

Nope: from my testing, NIO was a better bet given the additional setup
and configuration required by APR. Plus there's a bit of overhead
managing the same resources twice (once on the Java side, once on the
native side) when using APR. Also a bug in APR can bring-down the
whole JVM instead of maybe just throwing an exception for a single

Basically, if you aren't using SSL, you can abandon tcnative.

- -chris
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