Nick Williams <> wrote:

>On Mar 19, 2013, at 8:49 PM, Saurabh Agrawal wrote:
>> Hi Nick,
>> We currently have 8 tomcat nodes with each node configured to have
>1000 maxThreads. We did a round of performance test for 8000 concurrent
>users and the observation was that the number of active executor
>threads were far less.
>> My understanding was if 8000 concurrent users hit the site at the
>same time, 8000 executor threads are required to suffice the
>requirement of all the requests. However, I see far less executor
>threads in action when we put a load of 8000 concurrent users.
>Yes, this is to be expected. Tomcat / the JVM will try to be as
>efficient as possible. A thread will only be in use during an active

The correctness of that statement is highly dependent on the connector used and 
how it is configured.

> Just because you have 8,000 simultaneous users does not mean
>you have 8,000 simultaneous requests.


>> If you need to support 20,000 simultaneous users, you are going to
>need a farm of servers. Just one server will not be enough.

How many servers you need will depend on the app and how those users use it. It 
is perfectly possible for one server to serve 20,000 simultaneous users. 20,000 
simultaneous requests is more likely to require multiple servers but again - it 


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