On 3/26/2013 1:05 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
Hash: SHA256


On 3/25/13 2:21 PM, Mark Eggers wrote:
Finally, since you're using Apache HTTPD in front of your Apache
Tomcat, you could use a Redirect directive in httpd.conf to
accomplish your goal.


Something like the following might work:

RedirectMatch permanent /(.*)

That's gonna set up a redirect loop :(

Yep, you're right. Serves me right for copy-pastea from my HTTP to HTTPS redirect.

I think what you're going to want is closer to this:

RedirectMatch permanent /Login.html http://..../login.html
RedirectMatch permanent / http://..../login.html

That way, when people go to either / or /login.html, then will be

You can add all sorts of additional redirects if you choose to.

- -chris

. . . . just my two cents (apparently over and over and over and )

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