
On 29.3.2013 9:38, Shyam Yadav wrote:
I want to run my tomcat on port 443 with https on an Ubuntu machine.
what are the required steps i should take, please guide me through it.
I search Internet but did not get any proper solution that is why i am here
sending you this mail.

Please help me. this will be really appreciating.

1. Read about connectors and choose whether you are going to use APR, NIO or BIO: (starting form slide 15)

2. Read how to generate certificate:

Note that if you use APR connector you should generate certificates using openssl, and if you use NIO/BIO connectors you should use Java keytool.*

You may start with generating self-signed certificate, but later you may want to use CA-signed certificate.

3. Configure https connector to use certificates. Again APR uses one set of connector parameters, while NIO/BIO uses the other. Read the connector documentation carefully.


* There are other possibilities but using tool that matches the connector is the easiest to start with.

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