On 29.03.2013 18:02, Chris Arnold wrote:
>http://share.domain.com and get the required results (which is 

>>Let's stick to mod_jk for the moment. I think you are close.


Here is the modified virtualhost file:
 <VirtualHost *:80>
     ServerName share.domain.com
     #RewriteEngine On
    #RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/share/
     #RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on
     #RewriteRule ^/. http://share.domain.com/share/ [P]
     JkMount /share|/* worker1
     RedirectMatch ^/$ http://share.domain.com/share/
     ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/domain.com-error_log
     CustomLog /var/log/apache2/domain.com-access_log combined

>OK, one thing I forgot, sorry:

>this config uses a load balancer worker which even if there's only one
>Tomcat instance involved allows a bit more of control. For this to work
>you need to replace the name "worker1" in the above JkMount with "balancer":

>JkMount /share|/* balancer

>because that's the name of the load balancer worker in your

>If you don't want to use the balancer, then add to workers.properties
>the line


>and optionally remove all lines that start with


>and the line


>But you can also keep them if you later want to test the load balancer

Here is the new workers.properties file:
# the final value for y will be value\something

# Define two status worker:
# - jk-status for read-only use
 # - jk-manager for read/write use

>Not that good, but probably will work nevertheless ;)

>Give it a try (with!

I dont understand the With! part. Is that part of the apache restart command to 

>If it doesn't work, increase the JkLogLevel to debug and post the JK log
>file contents (and the Apache error log and access log entries for your
>test requests).

Well, now apache does not start. Gives this error:
error in reading worker properties from /opt/path to/worker.properties
Configuration failed
Seems it doesn't like something about the worker.properties file. Due to that i 
will post the complete workers.properties file (it is writeable):

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Note that the distributed version of this file requires modification
# before it is usable.
# Reference documentation: 
# As a general note, the characters $( and ) are used internally to define
# macros. Do not use them in your own configuration!!!
# Whenever you see a set of lines such as:
# x=value
# y=$(x)\something
# the final value for y will be value\something

# Define two status worker:
# - jk-status for read-only use
# - jk-manager for read/write use


# We define a load balancer worker
# with name "balancer"
# error_escalation_time: seconds, default = recover_time/2 (=30)
# Determines, how fast a detected error should switch from
# local error state to global error state
# Since: 1.2.28

# - max_reply_timeouts: number, default=0
#   If there are to many reply timeouts, a worker
#   is put into the error state, i.e. it will become
#   unavailable for all sessions residing on the respective
#   Tomcat. The number of tolerated reply timeouts is
#   configured with max_reply_timeouts. The number of
#   timeouts occuring is divided by 2 once a minute and the
#   resulting counter is compared against max_reply_timeouts.
#   If you set max_reply_timeouts to N and the errors are
#   occuring equally distributed over time, you will
#   tolerate N/2 errors per minute. If they occur in a burst
#   you will tolerate N errors.
#   Since: 1.2.24

# Now we add members to the load balancer
# First member is "node1", most
# attributes are inherited from the
# template "worker.template".
# Activation allows to configure
# whether this node should actually be used
# A: active (use node fully)
# D: disabled (only use, if sticky session needs this node)
# S: stopped (do not use)
#   Since: 1.2.19

# Second member is "node2", most
# attributes are inherited from the
# template "worker.template".
# Activation allows to configure
# whether this node should actually be used
# A: active (use node fully)
# D: disabled (only use, if sticky session needs this node)
# S: stopped (do not use)
#   Since: 1.2.19

# Finally we put the parameters
# which should apply to all our ajp13
# workers into the referenced template
# - Type is ajp13

# - socket_connect_timeout: milliseconds, default=0
#   Since: 1.2.27

# - socket_keepalive: boolean, default=false
#   Should we send TCP keepalive packets
#   when connection is idle (socket option)?

# - ping_mode: Character, default=none
#   When should we use cping/cpong connection probing?
#   C = directly after establishing a new connection
#   P = directly before sending each request
#   I = in regular intervals for idle connections
#       using the watchdog thread
#   A = all of the above
#   Since: 1.2.27

# - ping_timeout: milliseconds, default=10000
#   Wait timeout for cpong after cping
#   Can be overwritten for modes C and P
#   Using connect_timeout and prepost_timeout.
#   Since: 1.2.27

# - connection_pool_minsize: number, default=connection_pool_size
#   Lower pool size when shrinking pool due
#   to idle connections
#   We want all connections to be closed when
#   idle for a long time in order to prevent
#   firewall problems.
#   Since: 1.2.16

# - connection_pool_timeout: seconds, default=0
#   Idle time, before a connection is eligible
#   for being closed (pool shrinking).
#   This should be the same value as connectionTimeout
#   in the Tomcat AJP connector, but there it is
#   milliseconds, here seconds.

# - reply_timeout: milliseconds, default=0
#   Any pause longer than this timeout during waiting
#   for a part of the reply will abort handling the request
#   in mod_jk. The request will proceed running in
#   Tomcat, but the web server resources will be freed
#   and an error is send to the client.
#   For individual requests, the timeout can be overwritten
#   by the Apache environment variable JK_REPLY_TIMEOUT.
#   JK_REPLY_TIMEOUT since: 1.2.27

# - recovery_options: number, default=0
#   Bit mask to configure, if a request, which was send
#   to a backend successfully, should be retried on another backend
#   in case there's a problem with the response.
#   Value "3" disables retries, whenever a part of the request was
#   successfully send to the backend.

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