> I didn't think I needed a second worker but because the working
> config only worked for http://share.domain1.com and nothing else, I
> wanted to verify it should work or I needed another worker and you
> verified I do not need another worker and in fact, the existing
> config for http://share.domain1.com should work for
> http://share.domain2.com

>>>>You definitely don't need a second worker.

Great! I know i am going in the right direction

>> Why do you need a second VirtualHost, even?
> Apache has to answer for that request (http://share.domain2.com)
> and pass it to tomcat

>>>>Sure, but you don't care what the target of the request is: everything
goes to the same backend, right?

Correct. Goes to the same backend/content (static)

>> I'm not sure why you are getting 404s: any idea if it's a
>> response coming from httpd or Tomcat?
> No error logs in apache or tomcat which is weird?

>>>>Well, httpd should have something in its access log. Does Tomcat have
>>>>anything in its access log? If not, then httpd is returning the 404
>>>>and you don't have your mod_jk configuration correct. Can you post
>>>>more of your httpd.conf? Where do you have JkWorkersFile configured?

# mod_jk
Include /opt/alfresco/tomcat/conf/jk.conf

<IfModule mod_jk.c>

    JkWorkersFile /opt/alfresco/tomcat/workers.properties
    JkLogFile /var/log/alfresco/mod_jk.log
    JkShmFile /var/log/alfresco/shm

    # Log level to be used by mod_jk
    JkLogLevel error

>> If you browse to http://share.domain2.com/ are you properly
>> redirected (as I would expect given the above configuration) to
>> http://share.domain2.com/share ?

>>>>Apache httpd should be answering the request and responding with a
>>>>redirect. Does the redirect happen (check your URL bar, or use a
>>>>protocol sniffer like HttpFox, etc. through your web browser).

It does not redirect. Browser stays at http://share.domain2.com
Will try to get some logs and post here

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