Dear Tomcat Users

Forgive me for saying this (and unless I am still misinformed after scouring the Internet for a solution), the Tomcat app server seems wholly inadequate for the demands of modern multi-tenant SAAS applications. Multi-tenant SAAS apps are supposed to be light weight and have the ability to scale. Sure, you can implement multi-tenant features inside the web app, but it makes sense that the functionality should be provided as part of the app server. The current business of deploying separate WARs is not practical/efficient for multi tenant use. We should be able to simply flag a context as multi instance. The instances should under the same classloader in a very light weight fashion.

Is there any chance the Tomcat dev team would look into adding this?

Your thoughts are appreciated


 On 2013/04/16 8:52 PM, Pïd stèr wrote:
On 12 Apr 2013, at 12:00, Jamie <> wrote:


I would like some advice with regards to deploying a web app in a multi-tenant 
scenario. A while back, we had a few cloud service providers ask us if they 
could host our web app as a service. Under pressure to come with a quick 
solution, we responded by implementing a manager like application (much like 
the Tomcat manager app), that could deploy additional web apps by copying the 
contents of our WAR file to a new directory under webapps . For instance:


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