I am running Tomcat 5.5.15 on a PC running Windows XP. I have been
battling this problem for 6 months, and could use some help.


I purchased a URL for my web site. I created the site in a folder under
the root document called "unique". As I was building the site, I would
hit the site like so:  http://localhost/unique/index.jsp. I finished the
site up 6 months or so ago, and purchased my DNS name. 


Here is where the problem has been culminating from. I added my dns
entry into the server.xml and found that by hitting the url that the
site would point into the root folder. So within the root folder I
created a jsp page that did a redirect to the /unique/index.jsp page.
This seems to work, and people can hit my site.


But for some strange issue, google has not been able to index the site,
and when I ran "Site Magellan" on the site last night it only sees the
first page. It never sees any links. Googlebots never see any links, and
not site Magellan sees no links. When I run Lynx on the site, can
navigate just fine. But eveidently something is screwed up in regards to
my tomcat configuration, or something.


The url is <http://www.theuniquepear.com <http://www.theuniquepear.com/>


If anyone knows where I may of screwed up or has ideas, please let me
know, as I am about at the end of my rope on this one. I know I could
move the site into the root folder, but what if I add another DNS
tomorrow for another site, then I would run into the same issue right? 


Thanks, much


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