On 22/04/2013 01:03, André Warnier wrote:
> Jakub 1983 wrote:
>> http://www.mulesoft.com/tomcat-connector states:
>> Using the current arrangement, both Connectors will pass all requests to
>> the same Engine, which will in turn pass all these requests to both of
>> its
>> contained web applications.  This means that each request will
>> potentially
>> generate two responses, one from each application.
>> <Server>
>>   <Service>
>>     <Connector port="8443"/>
>>     <Connector port="8444"/>
>>     <Engine>
>>       <Host name="yourhostname">
>>         <Context path="/webapp1"/>
>>         <Context path="/webapp2"/>
>>       </Host>
>>     </Engine>
>>   </Service>
>> </Server>
>> Is it really true what they write ?
> (For anyone else reading this, I did look at the indicated webpage, and
> it is really what they say there)
> To me, it sounds like utter nonsense.

If I was going to be generous I might call it very badly worded but I
must confess that I was struggling to find a way to read that page in
such a way that it wasn't just very wrong.

> Or else, I need to revise my whole understanding of HTTP and Tomcat.

No need, you're fine.

> It even looks like nonsense squared, since :
> - each request is sent by one client on one connection to one port
> (meaning one Tomcat Connector), and the (single) response to that
> request will also come back on that same connection
> - each request should have a target URL (like /webapp1 OR /webapp2, but
> not both), and will be processed (once) by the application (context)
> corresponding to that URL, and will generate only one response

Correct. This is the bit the author seems to be confused over.

> Maybe we should ask the author of that page for more details.  He may
> have invented the amplifier version of Tomcat.
> Additionally, it is really bad practice to put <Context> elements in the
> server.xml file.

Generally, yes.

Also, they need to be careful with the Hosts' appBase attributes and/or
autoDeploy/deployOnStartUp attributes or they'll get both apps deployed
to both hosts still.


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