Hi Konstantin,

On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 6:48 PM, Konstantin Kolinko

> >
> > I can't tell what I'm missing.  Also, steps #2 and #3 are not even
> required
> > if I am using the RemoteAddrValve, correct?
> No. They are not related to RemoteAddrValve.


> I would say that you should be stopped by CsrfPreventionFilter,
> because your heapused.jsp is not in the list of configured entry
> points.


> Shanti wrote:
> > The funny thing is that I gather the JMX metrics in an identical manner
> on
> > Tomcat 7.0.23 and JDK 1.6 on several  other RedHat Linux servers.
> CVE-2012-4431

Thanks so much!

I am now able to get heapused.jsp to work.  I only had to add heapused.jsp
into web.xml.  I did not need to add "/jmxroxy/".




curl http://localhost:6090/manager/heapused.jsp  ==>  gives me the value.

One question I have though is that I have other JSP pages for gathering
other JMX metrics.  I would like to not have to list these individually as
entry points.  I tried to put these JSPs into a jmx/ sub-directory under
manager/.  I added: "<url-pattern>/jmx/*</url-pattern>" both individually
as well as in conjunction with <init-param> in web.xml.




But I got a 403 upon accessing:

curl http://localhost:6090/manager/jmx/heapused.jsp

The CSRF filter documentation did not mention "url-pattern":

Is there a way to achieve what I'd like?


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