
"with a page response time of 5 seconds"

is it current response time or acceptable await time?
if it is current response time, when was it measured, during max load, or
during min load ? how many concurrent requests where sent ?

why so long ? processor is busy, or communication with external systems ,
database, webservice, filesystem ?
I am not a specialist, but here are my doubts
  if you do processor intensive task setting much more threads than cpu
cores/hyperthreads may not help, it may even slowdown, question arises how
much more threads than cores is sensible value: cores +1, 2*cores ?
  if time is taken mostly by communication - sockets, filesystem, database,
webservices, my doubt is:
      assumption: tomcat uses nio - non blocking IO, so above operation
shouldn't block, so my question is why and when do we need more threads ?
isn't a thread doing other job when awaiting for NIO ?

I would be grateful if somebody more experienced could explain this, and
expand this topic.


On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 9:17 PM, David Kerber <dcker...@verizon.net> wrote:

> On 5/4/2013 1:24 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> On 04/05/2013 16:01, Yogesh wrote:
>>> Well my question is Is it a common design practice from your experiences
>>> to configure one node (maxthreads) for the scenario where all other nodes
>>> amongst which the load was distribued fail ?
>> You design for whatever level of resilience you need to meet the
>> availability requirements.
>> Mark
> Which IME means allow for either one or two of the cluster nodes to fail,
> depending on how many you have to start with.  Never all but one, unless
> you only have two to begin with.
>>> On the cluster part, wrt tomcats talking to each other do you mean the
>>> session replication feature or something else ?
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On May 4, 2013, at 9:26 AM, André Warnier <a...@ice-sa.com> wrote:
>>>  yogesh hingmire wrote:
>>>>  On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 7:07 AM, André Warnier <a...@ice-sa.com> wrote:
>>>>>> yogesh hingmire wrote:
>>>>>>  While planning / designing to build a web app that must scale to 2000
>>>>>>> concurrent users, distributed across 5 Tomcat nodes in a cluster,
>>>>>>> Apache
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> the front of course and the ability to serve 20 concurrent requests
>>>>>>> per
>>>>>>> seconds during business hours, with a page response time of 5
>>>>>>> seconds, how
>>>>>>> would we go about the ask ? What Apache / Tomcat / System (CPU/JVM)
>>>>>>> parameters should be considered for this design ?
>>>>>> I will provide the ABC, and leave the details for someone else.
>>>>>> You have 20 requests arriving per second, and it takes 5 seconds to
>>>>>> process one request and return the response.
>>>>>> So, over time, it will look like this
>>>>>> Time   new requests   requests in-process  requests terminated
>>>>>> 0        20              20                      0
>>>>>> +1s      20              40                      0
>>>>>> +2s      20              60                      0
>>>>>> +3s      20              80                      0
>>>>>> +4s      20             100                      0
>>>>>> +5s      20             100                     20
>>>>>> +6s      20             100                     40
>>>>>> +7s      20             100                     60
>>>>>> etc...
>>>>>> So, in principle, and assuming nothing else is going on, you need 100
>>>>>> concurrent threads in Tomcat to process these requests.
>>>>>> (I would take a healthy margin of security and double that).
>>>>>> Whether for that you need a cluster of Tomcats is another discussion.
>>>>>> And how much memory you need to allocate to your Tomcat(s) JVM(s) is a
>>>>>> function of what your webapp needs, to process one request.
>>>>>> The numer of concurrent users should be relatively irrelevant, if all
>>>>>> you
>>>>>> mean by that is that some of these requests come from the same user,
>>>>>> but
>>>>>> they are otherwise independent of one another.
>>>>>> Note that I have a suspicion that what you describe as "requests"
>>>>>> above
>>>>>> probably only count the requests to your webapp code, and do not
>>>>>> count the
>>>>>> additional requests for stylesheets, images, etc.. which may be
>>>>>> embedded in
>>>>>> any page that the user's browser eventually displays.
>>>>>> So unless you plan on serving those directly from the Apache httpd
>>>>>> front-end, you should take them into account too.
>>>>> Thanks Andre and sorry for not mentioning about the other content that
>>>>> are
>>>>> actually requested by http get's from the jsp served.,
>>>>> There is quite a lot of ajax calls and static content and that can be
>>>>> served out of httpd, but as of now it is not. I know not the best way,
>>>> but you can read the on-line documentation, I presume ?
>>>> so i
>>>>> assume i have to increment my thread count correspondingly..
>>>> Well yes, because then you do not have 20 requests per second, you have
>>>> more.
>>>> Only you would know how many more, and how long they take to serve, but
>>>> the calculation is similar.
>>>>> While planning to threads on a single node, do i have to take into
>>>>> account
>>>>> the failure scenario where say all other 4 nodes fail and just this one
>>>>> node has to serve out the entire web app load. For that, do i have to
>>>>> provision the thread count as many as 4 times what i arrive for a
>>>>> single
>>>>> node ?
>>>>> Your thoughts?
>>>> I think that you can figure that one out by yourself, no ?
>>>> One more thing, to avoid you looking in the wrong direction : having
>>>> one Apache httpd front-end distributing calls to several back-end Tomcats,
>>>> does not make it so that the Tomcat servers constitute a "cluster".  A
>>>> "cluster" is a name more usually used when the Tomcats are talking to
>>>> eachother.  In this case, they would not be.  It would just be the
>>>> connector, on the Apache httpd side, which distributes the load between the
>>>> back-end Tomcats, and detects when one or more is not working anymore.
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