On May 6, 2013, at 1:55 PM, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:

> Right now, probably not.
> There are a couple of issues in this area (the thread I referenced,
> unpacking WARs outside the appBase into the appBase, lack of clarity on
> exactly what the expected behaviour in any given scenario) that I am
> actively working on. My rough plan is:
> - document what I think should happen (as simply as possible - this is
> proving to be the hard part as there are so many variables)
> - present this to the community for discussion / feedback
> - implement it for 8.0.x
> - probably back-port it to 7.0.x
> For you particular scenario I am considering allowing per Context
> override of copyXML that would enable your app to work as you want in a
> default Tomcat 7 install. Every new option, however adds to the overall
> complexity so I am still working through this.
> Watch this space.
> Mark

Make sense - thanks Mark.

I am sure that this would be out of scope, but if we pictured an ideal 
scenario, it seems like there would be one configuration file that is tightly 
managed by the developer, which is replaced when the app is redeployed, and a 
different configuration file that is intended for end user customization, which 
is stored separately.

--Jesse Barnum, President, 360Works

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