I got to thinking about this tool problem.  Here is a a bit of basic work on
a tool to generate a catalina.policy file.  Time will tell if it's useful.
Someone may have already solved this problem, but it's all fun.


On 5/7/06, Mark Petrovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Good day.

This is a newbie question.

Having spent a bit of time manually editing via trial and error my
catalina.policy file just right so my webapp would run leaves me wondering
whether there is a tool that can be responsibly used to show you what  the
policy file should look like if the app is to get its job done.

I spent a lot of time examining the various security violations in
catalina.out, and concluded that while it may not be trivial, it is
conceivable that a tool could automate the production of a farily
fine-grained policy file to show you what the app ideally needs to run.  And
you could edit from there as needed.

Are there such tools?

Thank you.



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