I'm sure this was recently asked, but I couldn't find the thread.
I'm using the AccessLogValve with "%D" at the end of the string to get a rough 
processing time per request.
I'm using straight connector threads, no executor pool.
The question is, when does the timer start for a request that ends up waiting 
for a connector thread to process?
When the execution start, or when it gets put on the wait queue?
Ex:  MaxThreads=50, AcceptCount=100,  so assuming all 50 threads are busy, does 
the timer start for request 51 when it is received or when it starts processing.

If it really matters, Tomcat 6.0.36, Java 6.0.43 (?) and Windows 2008 R2.

Jeffrey Janner
Sr. Network Administrator
PolyDyne Software Inc.
Main:   512.343.9100
Direct:  512.583.8930


Speed, Intelligence & Savings in Sourcing

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