Thx for response, I will inform guys from business about what You have
written, and let them consider it


On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 4:10 PM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Jakob,
> On 6/11/13 5:04 PM, Ja kub wrote:
> > requirement is system should be possible to process 160 req/sec
> > (200 is better to multiply) and system is kind of failover proxy
> > itself
> >
> > there are 2 backing webservices, each can answer max 20s, it there
> > is timeout on first, I must call the second, if there is timeout on
> > second I send soap fault to client, so usually it shouldn't be more
> > than 20s per req, guys say that normally it is 7-10
> > seconds/request, but in worst case it is 2*20s*160 requests/s ~=
> > 6400 pending requests (and according to deal we must fulfill worst
> > case)
> If you have 2 member nodes and one of them starts to slow down, then
> you'll see pretty much all requests re-tried on the second node, which
> will slow down that one. I think you'll end up seeing a storm of
> requests bouncing back and forth.
> Worse, the initial request will continue processing on the 1st node,
> ignorant of the fact that the lb has given up and tried the other
> node. It's just going to fall apart from there.
> Honestly, this should be able to be handled at your lb -- can't you
> set a time-out there?
> > even if there are so many requests they are pending on sockets, I
> > try to do it with NIO, asynchronous servlets and async cxf - both
> > async cxf webservice is exposed by me, and I also call backing ws
> > with async cxf I think even one tomcat on one server should be able
> > to serve such 6400 pending requests with 160req/s, apart from proxy
> > there are also 4-6 inserts into database (cli req, resp; 1st ws
> > call, resp; 2nd ws call, resp
> >
> > how do You assess such architecture/attitude ? do You expect
> > problems with async exposed webservice based on async servlet and
> > NIO, and async cxf ws client ? afaik cxf use thread locals, are
> > they all right with tomcat async servlets ? (I don't define
> > threadlocals by myself, only cxf possibly does)
> It's not a socket-resource issue, it's a raw work-load issue: you have
> a large amount of load and it looks like you can't handle it very
> well. I would recommend more nodes, first, and then seriously consider
> whether re-trying on a second node is appropriate if the first node
> takes too long.
> What you should probably do is actually profile your code to find out
> what is taking so long. Using tricks like ThreadLocals can shed
> microseconds off of a request, not whole seconds.
> You might want to consider whether you can do less work during a
> request -- perhaps split a single transaction into more than one. Or,
> just acknowledge that sometimes a transaction can take 10-20 seconds
> (or 50?) and manage the clients' expectations.
> You also need to find out where your bottleneck is: RDBMSs, slow
> disks, slow network links, etc. can all be much more significant than
> things like software stack and exact implementation of your code. If
> you are missing an index on a relational table, transactions that
> should take a second or two can take tens of seconds.
> Start there: profile your application, find out what is slow, and fix
> that. Don't try to work-around the problem with surprising
> transactional re-tries, because they likely won't work the way you
> hoped. Hey, once you fix your performance problem, perhaps you won't
> need additional hardware. Also, your users will be very happy to see a
> speed improvement.
> - -chris
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> =miI6
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