Thanks you very much, Christopher :




worked for me, but I want to find out the root cause for leaking. I afraid
to accelerate OOM in PermGen  with many redeploys


>Perhaps a container-loaded component (wss4j?) is being configured to
>use a webapp-loaded component (log4j?). Have you placed anything that
>didn't come with Tomcat into Tomcat's lib/ directory?

I don't use log4j.jar and I guess neither another library in my WEB-INF/lib
( looking at Maven dependences ).

I don't have log4j.jar in $TOMCAT_HOME\lib

My web application uses slf4j + logback and I've got jcl-over-slf4j as a
Maven dependence

and I exclude that another library uses commons-logging with Maven
exclusion option


So, if logging system leaks, should be slf4j + logback, but I'm not sure

2013/6/20 Christopher Schultz <>

> Hash: SHA256
> Jose,
> On 6/19/13 5:02 PM, Jose María Zaragoza wrote:
> > Thanks !
> >
> >> You should at least upgrade to 6.0.37. 6.0.24
> >
> > I agree with you but I can't. Anyway, I tested my webapp in Tomcat
> > 6.0.37 and it throws the same error; it only works in latest Tomcat
> > 7.x
> You really need to. Tell your bosses that you are vulnerable to a
> number of "important" security vulnerabilities that have been
> published for years, now.
> >> Why is your web application attempting to get a message's
> >> signature
> > during shutdown?
> >
> > I explained myself  badly . I wanted to say "after my webapp  is
> > redeployed and without any restart, the next requests to my webapp
> > throws that exception.
> This suggests that some component is being de-configured on webapp
> shutdown but then you are still trying to use it after the webapp
> shutdown (when the next version of the webapp).
> Perhaps a container-loaded component (wss4j?) is being configured to
> use a webapp-loaded component (log4j?). Have you placed anything that
> didn't come with Tomcat into Tomcat's lib/ directory?
> >> I think you have to use a ServletContextListener to properly
> >> tear-down your resources, otherwise they may be torn-down after
> >> Tomcat does things such as nulling-out static field references,
> >> which is likely to be the problem you are encountering, here.
> >
> > I agree but I have no idea how free resources managed by wss4j
> > library . I'm not an expert in JVM profiling but I can investigate
> > about it.
> >
> >> That's because the "log" reference is null. -
> >> -Dorg.apache.catalina.loader.
> >> WebappClassLoader.ENABLE_CLEAR_REFERENCES=false
> >
> > Great ! It could be a solution. I hope don't have collateral
> > effects ...
> The collateral effect is likely to be that your webapp doesn't crash
> (at least for this issue) but you might end up with a webapp-reload
> memory leak if you don't already have one.
> - -chris
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